2.5mg THC

Many brands like Cann, Cycling Frog, and Wynk have beverages that are dosed between 2mg and 3mg of THC and are pitched as an introductory option for consumers who are just dipping their toes in the water.  We find this to be very comparable to drinking one light beer between 3-4% ABV; most people will not experience more than a light buzz.  The expected effect should be small to potentially nothing at all depending on who you are.  If you do feel something, it will likely be a very light high and likely won’t last for more than 30 to 60 minutes.

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5mg THC

Almost every brand in the space has a 5mg option, and this seems to be widely agreed upon as the standard dose/serving size for a cannabis beverage.  We find this to be very comparable to the level of buzz felt after drinking two light beers at 3-4% ABV. It seems that most (but not all) people experience a notable cognitive change.  But there is variation just like anything, as you might know, people or even you yourself might not feel much even after a few beers.  Depending on a number of factors, the typical person will experience the high for around 45 minutes to 90 minutes.

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10mg THC

While there are beverages that go well beyond 10mg (we’ve seen 20mg, 50mg, and even 100mg drinks!), this is the top of the dosing bracket that we would suggest most people limiting themselves to, and we definitely do not recommend starting here. This dose should feel roughly equivalent to the level of buzz felt after drinking four light beers at 3-4% ABV.  Unless you are a seasoned cannabis/hemp user with a large tolerance, it is very unlikely that you will drink this and feel no effect.  Even if you do think you are ready for this, we highly suggest drinking it slowly your first few times to get a feel for your reaction.  The length of your high will greatly vary based on who you are and your tolerance, but the average experience should be between 60 and 120 minutes.

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While effects from THC vary by dose from person to person, onset with beverages is typically within 10 - 20 minutes of consumption but may take up to 2 hours for full impact. The most common error made by new users is persisting in consuming THC even when they don't experience an immediate effect. As a result, the high can suddenly intensify and endure for an extended period, causing some individuals to experience nausea or anxiety, leading to a negative experience and prompting them to seek medical evaluation.

Our Tips For Consumption

  • Start with a low dose. Begin with a small, controlled dose of edible THC.  It’s essential to allow your body to become familiar with the effects gradually.
  • Be Patient. The onset of the high from edibles can be different from person to person, so being patient and going slow with any dosage increase is highly recommended.
  • Stay hydrated and well-nourished. Eating a light meal before consuming edible THC can help mitigate the risk of nausea.  Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as THC consumption can sometimes cause a dry mouth.
  • Choose the right setting. Be in a comfortable and safe environment, ideally with a trusted friend or partner.  Being in a relaxed setting can help ease any potential anxiety.
  • Avoid mixing substances.  Don’t mix edibles with alcohol or other substances, as this can intensify the effects and increase the risk of adverse reactions.
  • Have a plan. Before consuming THC, it’s helpful to have a plan in place for what you’ll do while experiencing its effects. Activities like watching a movie, listening to music, or talking with friends can be enjoyable.

Other Things To Know

Dosing is and always will be a moving target, and depends on a number of things including weight, age, existing tolerance to THC, genetics, and a variety of other factors.  That’s why the best way is to start low, go slow, and figure out what works best for you.

THC is the psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant and is what creates a “high” effect. While no two drugs affect the human mind the exact same way, for most people that the easiest way to understand THC will likely be in comparison to alcohol consumption.  THC beverage dosing varies a lot by brand and while there is no official “standard serving size”, 5mg of THC seems to be the benchmark that most brands are arriving at.  Given that and the other common dosing trends, we are setting three dosing benchmarks that will hopefully help you get started.  

Another important thing to note: just like alcohol, the point is not necessarily to get the full buzz/drunk effect after the first drink.  While many other forms of THC consumption are about quick and immediate effects (like smoking or vaping), THC beverages should be viewed as a gradual pathway to achieving a high.  As flavor profiles and science continue to evolve, the process of drinking one or multiple THC beverages over the course of a few hours can hopefully become comparable to doing the same with alcoholic beverages.


Drinking alcohol and getting high from THC are NOT equivalent experiences.  This dosing guide is meant to show a comparable level of intoxication, but does not speak to the exact effect, as a buzz from alcohol and high from THC are not the same. These comparisons are not backed by science and are based on subjective experiences and observation of others. They also work on the assumption that you are consuming a beverage at a typical rate. Just like if you nurse a beer or glass of wine over multiple hours, you will likely feel little to no effects.  And just like if you down a beer or a shot, you will feel those effects much quicker. It is not guaranteed that you will agree with this comparison or that you will have the same experiences.